Two Pictures Selected for Rehoboth Art League’s 5th Annual Juried Photography Exhibition

I have two pieces included in the 5th Annual Rehoboth Art League’s Regional Juried Photography Exhibition. Both images are a departure from work I have been creating over the last couple of years and I am thrilled to have this work included in this show. 

YMCA Locker Room was created at a YMCA in western Massachusetts. I spent many hours using their facilities and often found myself surprised at the locker room talk … some of which was quite graphic and politically incorrect. The image reminds me of those conversations and the men who have used the locker room, bantering with friends, and essentially living their lives in a small town. The locker room is clean but dated with many rusty lockers showing their age. 

YMCA Locker Room

Fact Fake was created while watching the impeachment hearings in the House of Representatives in November 2019. The concept was to show the deterioration of our understanding of facts as the repetition of messaging by both sides of a political debate played out. I worked with a 1930s Royal 10 typewriter, typing the words fact and fake again and again for several days over many series of images. Technically, each image is the result of high-magnification focus stacking combined in software to create a fully focused image. There are 25 images in each series, but I finally decided it made more sense to accentuate the transformation and deterioration by reducing the final work down to 9 images. 

Fact Fake

The show is located on the campus of the art league at 12 Dodds Lane, Rehoboth Beach, DE. The opening is on January 31st from 5-7 pm and runs through March 8th. 

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